Update on Best Cydia App

In my previous post I said how SBSettings was the best tweak for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. I take that back since SBSettings eats your battery and ram like crazy. Which is never good. So you would like to replace that with BiteSMS which let’s you quick compose and quick text messages and iMessages from any app and even the lockscreen!

This does replace the native messages app but has all the features of the original plus more. There’s even an option to hide the native app in the BiteSMS settings.

You can get this amazing tweak in Cydia for free but it will only be a trial then you must buy a full license from the BigBoss repo, you can also send texts to anywhere in the world using the BiteSMS servers through your wifi or data connection for $0.12 CAD, going to Cydia and reading the description will tell you the price for your country.

Here’s a picture of me doing a quick reply from inside the WordPress application for my iPhone, you will see that I’m inside notification center though, this is because I have it set it to notify me with a banner then go into notification center and open quick reply when I tap the text, the default however is to open quick reply right when you receive the text. Here’s the pic:


You can also pull down the above bar to view previous messages and the tap icons in the below bar to call, reply and swiping to different pages will let you facetime and skype them.


Very Useful Cydia App (SB Settings)

Like I said in my previous post, I think this is the most useful Cydia app you can get, you can toggle things like Airplane mode, wifi, bluetooth and respring or reboot your device straight from Notification Center.

The app does look pretty ugly at first but if you download the theme for SBSettings called iRetina+ it makes it look amazing (available for free from insanelyi repo).

You can get SBSettings for free from the BigBoss repo and you have to go to the notification settings and enable SBSettings in Notification Center as a widget, and then from going to the more menu from the widget you can change the theme to iRetina+

Here’s a picture of the widget in my notification center using the iRetina+ theme:
(I have BlurriedNCBackground installed incase you were wondering)


Cool iPhone Tweak (NyanSliders)

Since the release of the iPhone 4S jailbreak I’ve been playing around with over 200 tweaks and I think this is the coolest one yet, not useful but coolest, I’ll be posting what I think the most useful is later on but I personally think this is the coolest.

So the tweak is called NyanSliders and can be downloaded from Cydia from the BigBoss repo for free. It changes all the sliders, like the volume and duration ones to the Nyan Cat.

You can configure settings like motion and rainbow from the native settings app on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.

Here’s a picture of me using it in the Music app:


Jailbreak News 01/06/12

Hey Guys!

Sorry about not being able to post the jailbreak news for the past 2 days but some extra information has come in over the last two days.

First of I’ll clear up the fact that all devices except the A5 devices are untethered (jailbreak can survive a reboot) on iOS 5.0 and 5.0.1 which is:

• iPhone 3GS
• iPhone 4
• iPod touch 3rd Gen.
• iPod touch 4th Gen.
• iPad

And the devices running the A5 processor chip which can’t even be tethered (put re-jailbreak every reboot) are:

• iPad 2
• iPhone 4S

Now sadly for me my only two iDevices I currently own are the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S so I’m waiting for the jailbreak quite a bit.

Now the hacker who has made the current jailbreak for A4 and below devices (@pod2g) has said that he has surpassed the two biggest bugs in the jailbreak and we could expect a jailbreak released within a week, he said this two days ago, and then this morning he has announced that he would like to team up with the 3 biggest iOS hackers in an attempt to make this jailbreak happen. The 3 hackers that he called his “Dream Team” are here:

• @planetbeing
• @MuscleNerd
• @p0sixninja

More information about this “Dream Team” can be found here.

And lastly if you own a device that can already be jailbroken as listed above you can follow the tutorial here to get that done.

I’ll be back with a small review of the iPhone 4S some time soon!

And for some information on the upcoming iPad 3 check this out.

Oh and follow me up since I will be posting the second the A5 jailbreak is out.