Welcome to my Tech Blog

Hey guys!

I’ve just started my Tech Blog after realizing Tumblr sucks. And I’ve decided I want share my knowledge about Technology with others. First off for the next few days I’ll most probably be posting about jailbreaking iPhone’s and iPod touch’s because there’s alot going on about this iOS 5 being jailbroken thing. I’ll also be doing alot of reviews about products I own and products I get in the future and tell my opinions about buying new products or not, I might save some people quite a bit of money!

So this was just a short introduction, and also for some of you people out there who don’t like reading lengthy reviews on products you that you just need a second opinion on you’ve come to the right place!

Come back tomorrow for an update on iOS5 jailbreak news and a review on the new iPhone 4S which was one of the biggest products of 2011.

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